Membership VP Ilene Banker (second from left) hosts several New Member events each year where our newest members get to know each other and the leadership team.
The members of the Reston-Herndon Branch invite you to bring friends, colleagues, family and neighbors to our events as potential new branch members. Together, we can discuss our mission statement and the important role AAUW has in empowering women and girls. To support this effort, several “Meet & Greet” gatherings for those interested in joining the branch will be held throughout the year.
AAUW”s mission, as a community organization, is to break through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a fair chance. Your membership makes AAUW’s powerful voice even stronger on critical issues affecting women and girls. AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or class.
Membership is open to anyone holding an associate or equivalent (i.e., RN), baccalaureate, or higher degree from a regionally accredited college or university. Student Affiliation is open to anyone who does not already hold an undergraduate degree and is enrolled in a two-or four-year regionally accredited educational institution.
Regular Member Total = $92.00 – $62.00 is tax-deductible and includes $15.00 for state dues and $15.00 for branch dues
Student Member: $18.81 – $16.81 is tax-deductible
NOTICE OF DUES INCREASE: At the meeting October 16, 2020, the AAUW Board of Directors (National) voted to increase Individual Member dues for the next three years. The dues will rise by $3 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022, $5 for FY 2023 and $5 for FY 2024, making the total dues amount for those years $62, $67 and $72, respectively. All but $3 of your annual dues remains tax deductible.
Please contact – Ilene Banker, Membership VP at