Reston-Herndon Photo Album









Close to 30 Reston-Herndon members attended the branch’s annual meeting and luncheon at Cafe Montmartre at Lake Ann on June 8, 2023. AAUW-VA state president, Lane Stone, joined us and gave remarks as well as answered questions. Lunch was delightful, AAUW updates were helpful and everyone had a wonderful time on a beautiful June day. Thanks to Program Chair Janine Greenwood for all of her hard work to make it a great event for everyone.


Reston-Herndon Area Branch representatives attended the 2022 AAUW-VA State Conference in March. Pictured (L-R): Nadine James, Marilyn Silvey, Cyndi Shanahan, Janine Greenwood, Joyce  Senger, and Dianne Mero (3.26.22)


Local author, Linda Sittig, joined our branch meeting to discuss her newest book, B-52 Down! The Night the Bombs Fell from the Sky. [3.7.22]




Helen Cole


Our February Membership Program featured Helen Cole, Hunter Mill representative to the Fairfax County Commission for Women (CFW).




Delegates Mark Keam and Ken Plum gave constituents an idea of their legislative priorities for the next session and the challenges ahead.


PictureRenee Gorman, President of “She Believes in Me” (SBIM), spoke to the Reston-Herndon Branch at our December 2021 Branch meeting about SBIM which supports girls in grades 3 to high school by providing nutritious food, teaching conflict resolution skills and how to manage emotions and overcome setbacks. 


On Saturday, Sept 11, 2021, the Reston-Herndon Area Branch held its first in-person (outdoors) event since the pandemic lockdown 18 months ago.

Above: Reston-Herndon Branch members enjoying the
2021 Friendsgiving Event at the Reston Pony Barn.
Below: Raffle Baskets Table – All funds go to the
Reston-Herndon Scholarship  Fund.

The Branch also supported the efforts of one of our partners, NCNW (National Council of Negro Women – Dulles Section), as they gather school supplies for the students in need. Additionally, personal products and sanitary supplies were collected to be donated to schools by BRAWS (Bringing Resources to Aid Women’s Shelters).  [ 9.11.21]



Our May AAUW Reston-Herndon Branch Program welcomed Kerrie Wilson, CEO of Cornerstones and Tracey White of the Advocacy Committee. Discussion centered around Cornerstones’ vital role in the Reston and Fairfax community. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Cornerstones promotes self-sufficiency by providing support and advocacy for those in need of food, shelter, affordable housing, quality childcare and other human services. (May 2021)


Kerrie Wilson, CEO, Cornerstones




The branch was so pleased to have a return visit from author Linda Harris Sittig as our guest speaker for the April 2021 program. Linda now has three historical fiction novels in her Threads of Courage series, all stories about strong women of history. In addition to her work as an author, Linda generously shares her passion and knowledge about strong women on her blog, Stories of Strong Women, (  (4.14.21)



Sherri Burr, Professor of Law at the University of New Mexico, the Dickason Chair in Law at UNM, and a Regents Professor Emerita at the University of New Mexico School of Law, spoke at the Reston-Herndon February program meeting via Zoom.

Dr. Burr’s program included both a lecture on her research related to Free Blacks and an interesting Q & A session.  (2.26.21)



On January 9, 2021, 58 members of the branches which comprise the AAUW-VA Northern District gathered on Zoom to learn about local and regional endeavors on the topic of “Local Governments’ Efforts on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.”  Participating in a panel discussion on this topic, facilitated by AAUW-VA Coordinator (and Reston-Herndon Branch member) Cyndi Shanahan,  were Karla Bruce, Chief Equity Officer for Fairfax County (VA); Samia Byrd, Chief Race and Equity Officer for Arlington County (VA); and Susan Bardenhagen, Secretary, Manassas City Equity and Inclusion Task Force. The program was recorded and will be made available for streaming by Virginia branch members through the efforts of our branch president, Janine Greenwood.





Above: Cyndi Shanahan, AAUW-VA (above left)
Susan Bardenhagen, Manassas City Task Force (above right)


Karla Bruce,
Fairfax County

Samia Byrd,
Arlington County




The AAUW Reston-Herndon Streaming Group enjoyed another fully masked ?, socially-distanced Zoom meeting on December 22. Everyone enjoyed discussing “The Life Ahead” starring Sophia Loren and all definitely recommended it. (12.22.20)




On December 11, 2020, courtesy of several staff members from Senator Tim Kaine’s staff, Reston-Herndon AAUW members and visitors from our sister AAUW-VA Northern District branches participated in a Congressional Update and a look ahead to the upcoming 117th Congress. We wish to thank staffers Nigel Stinson and Anna Przebindaand, pictured below, who gave generously of their time to answer our questions and address our concerns during this busy time in Congress.





Meeting participants can be seen in the Zoom screen photos above. (12.11.20)


On November 19, 2020, Dr. Jean Ann Linney, an expert in mental health and a Reston-Herndon branch member, was the speaker at our annual Friendsgiving Program on the topic of  “Maintaining Mental Well Being in the Time of Covid-19.” Jean Ann gave a thoughtful and informative presentation covering an overview of mental health issues in our country, the impact of the pandemic and how we can help ourselves and others, including our children and grandchild, during this challenging time. We are grateful to Jean Ann for such a wonderful and timely presentation and for allowing us to distribute her excellent slides.  (11.19.20)


Harmonie Taddeo, Executive Director, The Western Fairfax Christian Ministries (WFCM), spoke with with branch members via Zoom for our October Reston-Herndon Branch Program on Food Insecurity. Ms Taddeo shared with us what WFCM has learned in terms of households in need, as well as what this organization does to assist local families and the various ways that the community can help. (10.22.20)


Alicia Jones McLeod, Executive Director at Challenging Racism, was the lead speaker at the Fall AAUW Northern District virtual interactive DEI meeting, via Zoom, entitled
“What’s My Privilege – Identifying and Using Various Privileges for Good.”  The goal of this workshop was to provide attendees a deeper and broader understanding of racism and its effect on our society. Reston-Herndon branch participants included: Janine Greenwood, President; Nadine James, Dianne Mero, Judi Polizzotti, Judy Skirbunt and Cyndi Shanahan, Chair, AAUW-VA State Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. (10.17.20)


Darryl Lansey discussed his autobiographical memoir, A Thin Line Between Love and Hate: A Black Man’s Journey Through Life and the CIA
Darryl’s memoir details his fascinating journey from a childhood growing up in a working-class Black family in Baltimore, MD to the secretive halls of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for more than 30 years. (9.24.20)


Brian Cannon from OneVirginia2021
“Gerrymandering Amendment Update”
The R-H Branch was invited to join the “Lunch and Learn” series hosted by the AAUW Alexandria Branch for our August branch meeting. We learned about the status of the Virginia 2019 Constitutional amendment  on gerrymandering.  (8.06.20)


Our July R-H Branch Streaming Group evolved into a multimedia examination of the life and work of attorney Bryan Stevenson,  founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative, a non-profit organization based in Montgomery, AL, that provides legal representation to prisoners who may have been wrongly convicted of crimes or without the funding to secure effective representation, and others who may have been denied a fair trial. The Streaming Group opened with a discussion of the film version of Stevenson’s story, “Just Mercy” (available on Amazon and other streaming services). Supplemental information came from the HBO documentary, “True Justice”  (on youtube),  and an excellent “Super Soul Sunday” podcast of Oprah’s interview with Bryan Stevenson. Social justice issues, “Black Lives Matter” and prison reform efforts also came up in this wide-ranging discussion. (7.10.20)

ZOOM ROOM R-H BRANCH PROGRAM: “From Searing Sixty-Eight to Twisted 2020”

Our July program featured Judith Mudd-Kriigelmans, diplomat and author, who spoke on the topic “From Searing Sixty-Eight to Twisted 2020.” Judith Mudd-Krijgelmans fulfilled her dream of working in the Foreign Service: in New Delhi, Mumbai, Dhaka, Taipei, Hong Kong, Brussels, Libreville, Bujumbura and Brazzaville. From Washington, she supported civic education in South Africa and she led public diplomacy in eight French-speaking African countries. (7.08.20)


ZOOM ROOM BRANCH PROGRAM: 2020 Legislative Year Review


Ken Plum, VA State Delegate – 36th District, joined the branch for another in his series of special meetings with AAUW (this one via Zoom) on June 11. He generously answered many questions from the members in attendance. (6.11.20)



Fairfax County Commission for Women
Women’s History Month 2020 Reception and Recognitions


AAUW attendees at the 2020 reception, celebrating Valiant Women of the Vote, included (L to R): Janine Greenwood, President Reston Herndon Branch; Dianne Mero, Reston Herndon Branch; Sandy Lawrence, State VP – Programs, Woodbridge Branch




Ms. Cypriana McCray, President, National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) Reston-Dulles Section, one of our branch partners, was recognized by FFC CFW.



Joint Branch Meeting
Reston-Herndon AAUW & Dulles Section NCNW

The AAUW Reston-Herndon Branch offered a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) awareness program, presented by Lottie M. Spurlock, Director of Equity, Loudoun County Public Schools, on Saturday morning, March 7, at Hunter Woods at Trails Edge Retirement Community in Reston. Ms. Spurlock shared her county’s DEI plans which are currently being developed with community, staff and student input and her valuable insights regarding this topic. The interactive discussion was lively and interesting and participants went away with many things to reflect upon.

The branch wishes to thank Lottie for coming out to spend a weekend morning with us, as well as the Trails Edge staff for hosting the program in their beautiful amphitheater in this brand new facility and for providing our group a delicious breakfast of quiche and fruit salad served with coffee and tea followed by a tour of the building for those who were interested.

This was another great meeting of learning and friendship thanks to the teamwork of our Program Co-Vice Presidents, Carol Flicker and Roberta Sherman, our Membership VP/Diversity Coordinator, Ilene Banker, and President Janine Greenwood.


Speaker Lottie Spurlock
Director of Equity, Loudoun County Public Schools














Janine Greenwood, President AAUW Reston-Herndon Branch (L) and Cypriana McCray, President, NCNW Dulles Section (R)  address the participants.


Janine Greenwood, President
Reston-Herndon AAUW




Lobby Corps
February 27, 2020

Bringing an End to Harassment by Enhancing Accountability and
Rejecting Discrimination in the Workplace Act (or the BE HEARD in the Workplace Act)

Branch President and Lobby Corps Volunteer, Janine Greenwood, seen here lobbying
Rep. Bobby Scott on behalf of the BE HEARD in the Workplace Act.

This bill sets forth provisions to prevent discrimination and harassment in the workplace and raises the minimum wage for tipped employees. Specifically, the bill (1) makes it an unlawful employment practice to discriminate against an individual in the workplace based on sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, childbirth, a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth, and a sex stereotype; (2) prohibits employers from entering into contracts or agreements with workers that contain certain non-disparagement or nondisclosure clauses; (3) prohibits predispute arbitration agreements and postdispute agreements with certain exceptions, and (4) establishes grant programs to prevent and respond to workplace discrimination and harassment, provide legal assistance for low-income workers related to employment discrimination, and establish a system of legal advocacy in states to protect the rights of workers. (2.27.20)

Branch Outing to Library of Congress
February 3, 2020

Arts & Culture and Program Vice-Presidents, Roberta Sherman and Carol Flicker, planned a wonderful visit to our national Library of Congress in Washington, DC, on February 3. The group of nearly 20 members toured the suffragette exhibit “SHALL NOT BE DENIED: Women Fight for the Vote,”  a Centennial Exhibition which features original manuscripts and stunning images of Suffrage movement from Seneca Falls to the 19th Amendment. With the assistance of our excellent docents, we heard the story of the largest reform movement in American history with documents and artifacts from the women who changed political history 100 years ago. Following the tour, members had time for fellowship and catching-up on the news over lunch at the Longworth Building. It was a great day for all!














AAUW-Chico’s Fashion and Recruiting Event

Thank you Parvin Samadi, Ann and Fiera at the Fairfax Corner, VA, Chico’s store for hosting our AAUW-Chico’s Fashion and Recruiting Event on January 18. Our AAUW Reston-Herndon Branch models enjoyed first choosing, then modeling, three fabulous outfits with appropriate jewelry coordinated by the outstanding Chico’s consultants. Refreshments, raffles and discounts were enjoyed by all who attended. Brava to Chico’s for supporting our non-profit organization whose mission is to empower girls and women and thank you to all who came by to support the organization’s mission.

Chico’s Fun! Thank you Joyce, Janine, Carol, Judi, and Fran!

Branch President Janine Greenwood and VP Membership Ilene Banker at
Chico’s Fashion & Recruiting Event – January 18, 2020

AAUW Virginia Lobby Day

Maureen Dwyer, Judy Heimlich, Stepanie Abbott and Janine Greenwood
at AAUW VA Lobby Day in Richmond Jan 15, 2020



Reston-Herndon Branch Represented at Fairfax County Commission for Women
Women’s History Month 2020 Reception and Recognitions   


AAUW attendees to the 2020 reception, celebrating Valiant Women of the Vote, included (L to R): Janine Greenwood, President, Reston Herndon Branch; Dianne Mero, Reston Herndon Branch; Sandy Lawrence, State VP – Programs, Woodbridge Branch. (3.10.20)






Ms. Cypriana McCray, President, National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) Reston-Dulles Section, one of our branch partners, was recognized by FFC CFW.  (3.10.20)




Joint Branch Meeting
AAUW Reston-Herndon Branch & Dulles Section NCNW
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Program

The AAUW Reston-Herndon Area Branch offered a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) awareness program, presented by Lottie M. Spurlock, Director of Equity, Loudoun County Public Schools, on Saturday morning, March 7, at Hunter Woods at Trails Edge Retirement Community in Reston. Ms. Spurlock shared her county’s DEI plans which are currently being developed with community, staff and student input and her valuable insights regarding this topic. The interactive discussion was lively and interesting and participants went away with many things to reflect upon.

The branch wishes to thank Lottie for coming out to spend a weekend morning with us, as well as the Trails Edge staff for hosting the program in their beautiful amphitheater in this brand new facility and for providing our group a delicious breakfast of quiche and fruit salad served with coffee and tea followed by a tour of the building for those who were interested.

This was another great meeting of learning and friendship thanks to the teamwork of our Program Co-Vice Presidents, Carol Flicker and Roberta Sherman, our Membership VP/Diversity Coordinator, Ilene Banker, and President Janine Greenwood.


Speaker Lottie Spurlock
Director of Equity, Loudoun County Public Schools


Janine Greenwood, President AAUW Reston-Herndon Branch (L) and Cypriana McCray, President, NCNW Dulles Section (R)  address the participants.




Janine Greenwood, President
Reston-Herndon AAUW (3.7.20)

Reston-Herndon Lobbies on Capital Hill
Lobby Corps

February 27, 2020

Bringing an End to Harassment by Enhancing Accountability and
Rejecting Discrimination in the Workplace Act (or the BE HEARD in the Workplace Act)

Branch President and Lobby Corps Volunteer, Janine Greenwood, seen here lobbying
Rep. Bobby Scott on behalf of the BE HEARD in the Workplace Act.

This bill sets forth provisions to prevent discrimination and harassment in the workplace and raises the minimum wage for tipped employees. Specifically, the bill (1) makes it an unlawful employment practice to discriminate against an individual in the workplace based on sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, childbirth, a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth, and a sex stereotype; (2) prohibits employers from entering into contracts or agreements with workers that contain certain non-disparagement or nondisclosure clauses; (3) prohibits predispute arbitration agreements and postdispute agreements with certain exceptions, and (4) establishes grant programs to prevent and respond to workplace discrimination and harassment, provide legal assistance for low-income workers related to employment discrimination, and establish a system of legal advocacy in states to protect the rights of workers. (2.27.20)

Reston-Herndon Branch Outing to Library of Congress
“SHALL NOT BE DENIED: Women Fight for the Vote,”

Arts & Culture and Program Vice-Presidents, Roberta Sherman and Carol Flicker, planned a wonderful visit to our national Library of Congress in Washington, DC, on February 3, 2020. The group of nearly 20 members toured the suffragette exhibit “SHALL NOT BE DENIED: Women Fight for the Vote,”  a Centennial Exhibition which features original manuscripts and stunning images of the Suffrage movement from Seneca Falls to the 19th Amendment. With the assistance of our excellent docents, we heard the story of the largest reform movement in American history with documents and artifacts from the women who changed political history 100 years ago. Following the tour, members had time for fellowship and catching-up on the news over lunch at the Longworth Building. It was a great day for all!  (2.03.20)

AAUW Reston- Herndon Branch Partners with Chico’s Fairfax Corner
Fashion and Member Recruitment Event

Thank you Parvin Samadi, Ann and Fiera at the Fairfax Corner, VA, Chico’s store for hosting our AAUW-Chico’s Fashion and Recruiting Event on January 18. Our AAUW Reston-Herndon Branch models enjoyed first choosing, then modeling, three fabulous outfits with appropriate jewelry coordinated by the outstanding Chico’s consultants. Refreshments, raffles and discounts were enjoyed by all who attended. Brava to Chico’s for supporting our non-profit organization whose mission is to empower girls and women and thank you to all who came by to support the organization’s mission.








Chico’s Fun! Thank you Joyce, Janine, Carol, Judi, and Fran!




Branch President Janine Greenwood and VP Membership Ilene Banker.

Chico’s Fashion & Recruiting Event  (1.18.20)



AAUW Virginia Lobby Day
Richmond General Assembly 

Maureen Dwyer, Judy Heimlich, Stepanie Abbott and Janine Greenwood
at AAUW VA Lobby Day in Richmond (1.15.20)

2019 Annual Friends Giving Luncheon

The Reston-Herndon Branch held its annual luncheon, scholarship fund-raiser and social on Saturday November 16, 2019,  at Red’s Table in the South Lakes Shopping Center in Reston with over 50 members and guests in attendance. The group enjoyed an afternoon with friends dining on delicious food, a raffle with wonderful baskets full of goodies as prizes and an interesting and entertaining talk delivered by Ms. Julissa Marenco Otero, Assistant Secretary of Communications and External Affairs at the Smithsonian Institute.

































Our speaker:
Ms. Julissa Marenco Otero,
Assistant Secretary of Communication
and External Affairs – Smithsonian Institute



Reston-Herndon Branch
Lobby Corps 

Lobby Corps members Carol Bradley, Judi Polizzotti, Stephanie Abbott, Janine Greenwood and Patricia Derr returning home by Metro after representing our branch lobbying on Capitol Hill last Thursday (10/31).







Reston-Herndon Branch
Meets Delegate Karrie Delaney
The  branch held its first meeting of the year on  Tuesday, October 15, at Cafe Montmartre at Lake Anne. Karrie Delaney, VA Delegate 67th District, presented the latest information about the upcoming Virginia legislative year and its challenges.  She also shared what it’s like being an elected legislator and a “Mom” with young children and what means in today’s world. The members in attendance found Karrie delightful and her presentation interesting and informative. A number of attendees stayed for a wonderful Cafe Montmartre lunch.


Public Policy Co-chair introducing Delegate Delaney (67th District) to the Reston-Herndon Branch members in attendance. (photo left)



The attendees enjoyed Karrie’s remarks and asked excellent question about the 2020 legislative session. (photo left)


Ms. Delaney addressing the Reston-Herndon Branch.


(October 15, 2019)




Reston-Herndon Branch
Meet and Greet at Mon Ami Gabi Restaurant in Reston

The Fall Meet and Greet was held on Saturday, September 14, 2019 at Mon Ami Gabi Restaurant in Reston. Judi Polizzotti (below) hosted new members and individuals interested in joining AAUW along with branch representatives: Carol Flicker, Roberta Sherman, Natahlia Bishop, Mary Zane, Alyse Goldman and Dianne Mero.


“Real Housewives of Jamestown” – Lecture, Tour & English Tea
Green Springs Park, Alexandria









The informal “talk” and slide show involved a description of the first “bride ship” (1619), which arrived in Jamestown bringing single English women to the colony to marry and start families helping to stabilize the community. Through stories and slides we learned about them and discovered that many found enrichment, empowerment and liberation in their new home. Everyone then enjoyed a wonderful English tea and learned a little bit about the history of the house on the beautifully kept gardens on the property. (August 14, 2019)


Chico’s Member Recruitment Event
July 13, 2019






A big thank you to Ilene Banker, VP-Membership, for organizing this membership drive and to Roberta Sherman, Fran Lovaas Mary Zane, Carol Flicker, Joyce Sanders and Janine Greenwood, Branch President, for volunteering their time and energy to help recruit new members to our Reston-Herndon Area Branch. (July 2019)

Reston-Herndon Branch
Meet and Greet at Mon Ami Gabi Restaurant in Reston

The Fall Meet and Greet was held on Saturday, September 14, 2019 at Mon Ami Gabi Restaurant in Reston. Judi Polizzotti (below) hosted new members and individuals interested in joining AAUW along with branch representatives: Carol Flicker, Roberta Sherman, Natahlia Bishop, Mary Zane, Alyse Goldman and Dianne Mero. (9.14.19)







Judi Polizzotti 



Reston-Herndon Branch
2018-19 Annual Business Meeting
June 13, 2019

The branch annual business meeting, elections and “pot luck” dinner took place at Roberta Sherman’s home on June 13 and was a huge success. Everyone enjoyed the extended social and dinner time and hearing about the plans for 2019-20 from our incoming board members elected that evening. Outgoing board members Judy Skirbunt and Dianne Mero were treated to lovely farewells and appreciation for their contributions to the branch over the past 2 years (ask Dianne about her Past-president’s pin!). To see additional photos from the evening, please visit our Photo Gallery on this website under Our Branch.














Reston-Herndon Branch Adopt-A-Spotters & Friends

Nine Branch “Adopt-A-Spotters” met on Saturday, May 25, at Uplands Pool for our periodic clean-up the of both the road and trail from the pool to Wiehle Avenue along North Shore Drive in the Uplands Recreation Area. It was another beautiful day for a walk in the woods with friends.

(May 2019)

“A Conversation with Ken”

Nearly 20 members attended our most recent branch member meeting held the morning of May 15 at Cafe Montmartre at Lake Anne Plaza. Delegate Plum offered his take on the 2019 Virginia General Assembly Legislative Session. Members enjoyed lunch and socializing at the cafe after his presentation.  A very successful event thanks to Judy Skirbunt and Janine Greenwood.

Delegate Plum at Cafe Montmartre

Attendees enjoy Ken’s remarks, asked questions and had a nice lunch together.

(May 2019)


50th Anniversary Celebration
Reston-Herndon Area Branch
April 28, 2019

A special celebration was held on April 28, 2019, to commemorate the 50th anniversary of AAUW Reston-Herndon Area Branch which was chartered on February 14, 1969. The event, attended by 50+ current and former members, featured an outstanding program with congratulatory messages from National and from our AAUW-VA Co-president, Leslie Tourigy; keynote speaker, Senator Jennifer Boysko; reminiscences, and an outstanding slide show. Below are just a few of the many photos taken that day (see our Facebook page for more!).

Anniversary Celebration Co-chairs, Marion Stillson & Judi Ornoff

Socializing Time!


















Speaker Photos:
top left – Judi Ornoff,  top right – Leslie Tourigny,
mid left – Dianne Mero,    mid right – Sen. Jennifer Boysko,
3rd left –       Marion Stillson, 3rd right – Gail Osberg
Bottom – Barbar Naef

Luncheon Fellowship








(April 28, 2019)

February Cultural Arts Outing
Cherry Hill Farm – Falls Church, VA 









New Members Orientation
Feb 28, 2019 at Glory Days Restaurant



Gender Pay Equity Forum
Temple Rodeph Shalom
February 10, 2019
L-R: Ilene Banker (Membership VP), Janine Greenwood (VP), Deborah J. Vagins (AAUW Sr VP of Public Policy and Research), Dianne Mero (President), Judy Skirbunt (VP Programs), and Susan Burk (AAUW-VA Co-Vice President for Public Policy)


Guest Speaker, Lindsay Vajpeyi
Director of Education & Outreach, Memory Care Center

Annual Friends Giving Fund Raising Luncheon
December 8, 2018, at Mon Ami Gabi Restaurant in Reston Town Center













[Dec 8, 2018]


Financial Counselor, Linda J. Black, joined us to share her “Seven Habits of Financially Confident Women,” the practices and habits that will help women to be confident about their financial future.

Linda J. Black, Financial Counselor



Alison Friedman, guest speaker, shared her experiences and personal feeling about being a candidate in the 10th Congressional District 2018 Democratic Primary.
Program V-P, Judy Skirbunt listens intently after her introduction.

                                                          [September 13, 2018]

A Handmaid’s Tale

The Wednesday Afternoon and Thursday Evening Book Groups meet
throughout the summer and had a special visitor at the July meetings.
In honor of the “read of the month,” A Handmaid’s Tale,  one of the
handmaid’s made a stop at both groups. Given the scary content of
this book, the visit and levity that ensued was well received by both groups.



Our favorite handmaid, Judy Skirbunt!








The AAUW handmaid, Judy, joins the Wednesday Afternoon group (middle)
and the evening group (bottom).                            [July 2018]



End of the year dinner and celebration!

The Annual Business Meeting and Dinner, held in June at the end of each fiscal year, was a great success. Instead of cursing the sun, branch members philosophically embraced it as an arbitrator of the coming of a wonderful summer.

Dianne Mero ran a short business meeting and with the help of Judy Skirbunt  the branch honored members for their hard volunteer work for the branch, including the eight state Named Honorees.
(top photo)

We had a wonderful dinner with good service, a great breeze (thank heavens!) and a terrific speaker in Mali Phonpadith  (row 3, right), a refuge from war-torn Laos, who shared her experiences and explained how she was able to become so successful, on many levels, in spite of her initial disadvantages as an female refugee-immigrant. We were all spell bound and in awe of her accomplishments.









Thanks to everyone’s participation (see array of photos),  we had a great closure to our year.
June 2018










See bottom photo for our many donations to BRAWS from our generous members who attended the end-of the year dinner.












Book Club Gift to AART


Dianne Mero, Branch President, and Alyse Goldman, Book Group Co-chair, present a generous donation from the Wednesday Afternoon AAUW Book Group to Michelle Sullivan, Director of AART, a program to assist pre-school children with reading skills to ensure they will be ready for kindergarten.  March 2018



Fairfax Museum Tour

Reston-Herndon Branch Members enjoyed a Cultural Arts outing to the Fairfax Museum (top) and the Ratcliffe-Alison-Pozer House (above left) in Fairfax City. In spite of a little rain shower, we enjoyed both tours, the beautiful grounds at the House and a lovely lunch together (above right) at Hamrick’s Restaurant in a restored historic home on Chain Bridge Road in Fairfax City. [ May 2018 ]


AAUW of Virginia State Conference


Judy Skirbunt, Maureen Dwyer, Nancy Thompson, Cyndi Shanahan and Dianne Mero represented the Reston – Herndon Branch at the State Conference in Portsmouth, VA.



Cyndi Shanahan, VA State Membership VP, presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the Reston-Herndon Branch for its outstanding efforts in recruiting and retaining membership for the 2017-18 year.


Branch Member and Northern District Treasurer, Nancy Thompson and Branch President, Dianne Mero, enjoyed chatting at the conference. 

[April 20-22, 2018]




The Hello Girls Premiere


Judi Polizzotti and Dianne Mero attend the premiere of “The Hello Girls” documentary about the telephone operators in Europe that helped our military fighting troops win the war. The event was held at the “Women In Military Service For America Memorial” in Arlington, VA.

Judi and Dianne thought both the film, the discussion regarding making the film and the museum were all fascinating and a much deserved tribute to our military women. [March 2018]


AAUW-NCNW Working Together

Dianne Mero and Ilene Banker meet over breakfast with dual AAUW R-H – NCNW Dulles Section members Laura Thomas (far left) and Carol Bradley (far right)  to discuss membership, potential co-sponsorship of programs and other items the two group have in common. As always, it was a very successful strategy meeting. [April 2018]

March Program Meeting

Our Branch Meeting Program for March was called “Healthy Options” and featured Michele Wirth (with Snap Fitness); Holly Anderson (from Reston Hospital) and Marcia Childress (Rise Well-Being Center). Their excellent presentations had us all sitting up straighter, watching on sugar intake and breather more gently!                                                                                        [March 2018]


Giving Circle of Hope  

AAUW R-H joined NCNW-Dulles Section in co-sponsoring a Saturday morning program on “An Immigrant’s Life” with the Giving Circle of Hope. Members of the two groups enjoy a special partnership. [January 2018]


At the 2017 annual “FriendsGiving” Luncheon on November 4, branch members gathered at Mon Ami Gabi Bistro in Reston Town Center to celebrate our friendship and share our good fortune by contributing to the NVCC – Loudoun Scholarship Fund, the AAUW Foundation Funds and honoring our scholarship winner, Brittany Whitfield.


President Dianne Mero presents Scholarship Recipient Britany Whitfield with her scholarship certificate and other gifts from the branch. (Left)



Judy Skirbunt, Program VP, (second from right) planned the excellent luncheon with the help of the Executive Committee and other members of the Board of Directors and the branch. Above: Ilene Banker, Membership VP; Dianne Mero; Sharon Gilman, Secretary; Janine Greenwood, Vice-President; Judy, and Ruth Ruttenberg, Treasurer. 


Our terrific speaker was Linda Sittig, local author, award-winning journalist and dedicated blogger,  who kept us all at rapt attention with her interesting anecdotes about Women in History. Great food, great fellowship and a generous cause. [November 2017]


AAUW’s new CEO, Kim Churches, shares her impressive vision for the organization at the fall gathering of the Northern District of AAUW – VA. [October 2017]


Members new to the Reston-Herndon Branch for 2017-18 were invited to join the branch leadership team at a “Welcome to the Branch” informational and social gathering organized and hosted by Membership VP, Ilene Banker. New members were able to meet each other and get to know some of the current members. October 2017

League of Women Voters representative, Olga Hernandez, spoke at the monthly branch meeting about the upcoming election and other related voter issues, such as gerrymandering. (top)




We had a good turn-out for this program! (bottom)




Long-time AAUW member, Nancy Thompson is “pinned” into the AAUW LEGACY CIRCLE by Marion Stillson, past-president of the branch and state, and current Legacy Circle member. (left photo) They are joined by VA state presidents, Sandy Lawrence and Patsy Quick. (bottom) [September 2017]



Branch members enjoyed the Cultural Arts outing to the Udvar-Hazy Center. [August 2017]

Dianne Mero & Ilene Banker attend
a summer partner – planning session
with NCNW representatives.[July 2017]



2015 – 2017 Branch President Gail Parsons with NVCC NCCWSL attendee (top photo)







(bottom) Conference attendees at a presentation at Northern Virginia Community College – Loudoun Campus. 2017


Mother-Daughter-Granddaughter Luncheon with NCNW

Spring, 2017




2017 DAR Museum Cultural Outing



Holiday luncheon 3 Holiday Luncheon planning group

scholarship fund_raiser3    Library of Congress group 11_13_people_c Cultural Outing 2013


Maureen Dwyer (R) and Yvette Clarke (D-NY) who will vote no on Smarter Solutions for Students Act HR -1911.

Maureen Dwyer (R) and Yvette Clarke (D-NY) who voted “no” on Smarter Solutions for Students Act

2013 Picnic and Program - we welcome our newest member!

Picnic and new members welcome

AAUW Funds - Fundraiser at Cafe Montemartre - Spring 2013

AAUW Funds Fundraiser at Cafe Montemartre 2013


Year-end Picnic 2010

Year-end Picnic 2010




original leaders_1


Leaders of AAUW Reston Branch  [later re-named Reston-Herndon] and branch members  (below)


Original members of Reston Herndon AAUW







Members of AAUW Reston – Early Branch photo
(click on photo name for enlarged image)