Reston-Herndon Area Branch Strategic Plan
2022 – 2025
Aligned to the AAUW Five-Star National Recognition Program
Goal 1 – Advancement
Realistic membership objectives shall be established to include creative options to attract younger members and more diversity to the branch. In addition to new member support, current member retention activities shall be explored and tested. We will continue to encourage individuals to contribute to the AAUW Greatest Needs Fund and Legacy Circle.
The Reston-Herndon Area Branch is committed to the AAUW Diversity Policy: “AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of sex, gender identity, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or class.” Work will continue on encouraging and supporting more diversity within our branch by emphasizing outreach through targeted recruitment activities to include all groups, new relationships/events with other appropriate organizations and the offer of activities, programs and events that appeal to a wide audience. Members shall continue the annual tradition of a “Friendsgiving” social and luncheon prior to the Thanksgiving and Winter Holidays as a social event. Reston-Herndon Area Branch will continue to support educational equity programs.
Goal 2 – Public Policy and Research
Public Policy issues will continue to be a priority for the branch and the Reston-Herndon Area Branch will explore the role it can take in the implementation of the AAUW Start Smart program. The branch will reach out to state and national political figures representing our geographic area to inform them about AAUW and its priorities.
Goal 3 – Governance and Sustainability
Discussion will continue throughout the year regarding the AAUW Strategic Plan and how the branch can support, at the local level, the efforts initiated at the national level. The branch will review and update the branch Succession Plan and Strategic Plan periodically. The branch will strive to achieve a minimum of a Four Star Ranking on the index established by AAUW National.
Goal 4 – Programs
Program offerings throughout the year shall be based on member interest and tied directly to the AAUW and the Reston-Herndon Area Branch mission and goals.
Goal 5 – Communication and External Relations
The branch will partner with the League of Women Voters and with National Council of Negro Women, Dulles Section. Partnerships with like-minded organizations will be explored as a way to increase our impact and membership. Social media will be kept current and reflect AAUW mission and values.
[Adopted: Jan 31, 2022]